

Mother-32 is a semi-modular synthesizer voice by Moog Music.


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Mother32 Manual

Setup Mode
Use Setup Mode to configure MIDI channel, ...

Enter/Exit Setup Mode by pressing Shift + Reset / Accent + Set End + Step 8.

Setup configuration is split into pages, as indicated by LEDs 1, 2, 3.

Use ◀︎ and ▶︎ to switch pages.

Pages are:
  1. Assignable Output Mode
  2. MIDI Channel Selection
  3. Tempo Input Mode

Parameter Values
Each parameter can be set to a value 1-16.

Press Step 1-8 to set the parameter to values 1-8.

Press Shift + Step 1-8 to set the parameter to values 9-16.

Page 1: Assignable Output Mode
Parameter ValueDescription
1 Accent (Default)
2 Sequencer Clock
3 Sequencer Clock / 2
4 Sequencer Clock / 4
5 Sequencer Step Ramp
6 Sequencer Step Saw
7 Sequencer Step Triangle
8 Sequencer Step Random
9 Sequencer Step 1 Trigger Output
10 MIDI Velocity
11 MIDI Channel Pressure
12 MIDI Pitch Bend
13 MIDI CC 1
14 MIDI CC 2
15 MIDI CC 4
16 MIDI CC 7

Page 2: MIDI Channel Selection
Parameter ValueDescription
1-16 MIDI Channel 1-16

Page 3: Tempo Input
Parameter ValueDescription
1 CV Input Mode.
2 Single Clock Advance Mode
3 DIN Sync Mode


Sequencer: Controls
Run/Stop (Rec)
Press Start/stop sequencer.
Shift + Press Begin recording when sequencer is in keyboard mode.
Shift + Press (Held) Hold for >1sec to begin saving pattern.
Shift+Press Sets sequencer mode to keyboard.
Shift+Press Sets sequencer mode to step editing.
Pattern (Bank)
Initialize Current Pattern
Pattern (Bank)
Reload Current Pattern from saved state

Sequencer: Performance
Run/Stop (Rec)
Press Start/stop sequencer.
Press Decrements octave for transpose
Press Increments octave for transpose.
Keyboard buttons
Press Transposes pattern
Reset / Accent
Press Resets pattern back to step 1.
Shift+Press Temporarily adds Accent to every step.
Press Repeats current step while button is pressed.
Shift+Press Temporarily mutes every step.
Tempo / Gate Length (swing)
Turn Adjust sequencer tempo.
Shift + Turn Adjusts sequencer swing
Glide (Ratchet)
Turn Adjust oscillator glide
Shift+Turn Temporarily sets number of gates (1-4) that will occur during each step.
Keyboard Mode
Enter keyboard mode by pressing Shift + ◀︎(KB).

Begin recording in keyboard mode by pressing Shift + Run/Stop (Rec).

On each step, set gate time, accent, ratchet, glide, then press the desired keyboard note to set the step note and advance the pattern

Run/Stop (Rec)
Press Start/stop sequencer. Also exit record mode (see below).
Shift + Press Begin recording.
Shift + Press (Held) Hold for >1sec to begin saving pattern.
Press Decrements octave
Press Increments octave.
Press Sets the note for the active step. Sequencer advances to the next step.
Press Sets/unsets active step as a rest. The sequencer will advance to the next step.
Reset / Accent
Press Toggle step's accent output.
Tempo / Gate Length (swing)
Turn Controls percentage of step that gate will remain high.
Glide (Ratchet)
Turn When turned to the right, glide will be enabled for current step.
Shift+Turn Sets number of gates (1-4) that will occur during currently edited step.
Step 1-8
Shift + Press Sets the active step.
Page 1-8, 9-16,
17-24, 25-32
Shift + Press Sets the active page.

Set End Step
To set the end step, press Shift + End Step.
Then press Shift and a Page button.
Then press Shift and a Step 1-8 button.
Step Edit Mode
Enter Step edit mode by pressing Shift + ▶︎(Step).
In Step Edit mode, there is no recording function. Press Step 1-8 buttons to mute/unmute steps. Press Shift + Step 1-8 to pick a step to edit.
Exit Step Edit mode by pressing Shift + the currently selected step.

Run/Stop (Rec)
Press Start/stop sequencer.
Shift + Press (Held) Hold for >1sec to begin saving pattern.
Press Rotates pattern one step left.
Press Rotates pattern one step right.
Page 1-8, 9-16,
17-24, 25-32
Press Sets the active page.
Set End
Step 1-8
Set the pattern length by selecting the last step of the pattern.
Step 1-8
Press Mutes/Unmutes step (when not editing a step).
Shift + Press Choose step to edit. Shift + Press currently edited step to exit step edit.

Editing a step
Press Sets the note for the active step.
Press Sets/unsets active step as a rest. The sequencer will advance to the next step.
Reset / Accent
Press Toggle step's accent output.
Tempo / Gate Length (swing)
Turn Controls percentage of step that gate will remain high.
Glide (Ratchet)
Turn When turned to the right, glide will be enabled for current step.
Shift+Turn Sets number of gates (1-4) that will occur during currently edited step.
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